Tuesday, December 1, 2009

oh yeah, i do have a blog

Hello friends. It's been a while. I know. I've been kind of hating this blog. For many reasons. So I decided to do something about it. I changed a few things and revamped some old posts. Nothing your going to notice I'm sure. But it makes me feel a little better.

Anyways, the point of this post....

Last weekend was Thanksgiving. And I want to discuss the events of my weekend as well as list out a few things that I'm very, very thankful for. A little late? Yes, but go with me.

Thanksgiving is kind of a big deal in my family. For as long as I can remember I've always gone to my grandparents house in Chicago and spend the day with my mom's side of the family. Then my mom, aunt and myself would wake up at some god awful hour of the morning on friday and go shopping.

This year was no different. Except I brought my boyfriend. This is a big deal for me people, I've NEVER brought a boyfriend to Thanksgiving before, let alone a family function. I've never really wanted to bring a boyfriend before. Not for fear that my family would embarrass me and he would be traumatized. Nope, I was afraid of my boyfriend embarrassing my family. The bf and I woke up Thursday morning and set out for Chicago. We got there around noonish and just kind of hang around watching tv until dinner. We stayed for a few more hours after dinner until we drove downtown where we stayed the rest of the weekend. It was a success. He survived a day with my crazy grandpa, 5 children under the age of 7, yappy dogs running a muck, my loud cousins and the general ridiculousness that is my mother's side. He helps that he's from Eastern Europe as well.

Also, can I please talk about how I'm positive I have the best boyfriend in the world? I'm thankful that he calls me out when I'm bring absolutely ridiculous, I'm thankful that he cooks me food the majority of the time, I'm thankful that he tivos 90210 for me and then watches it with me even though he absolutely hates it. I'm thankful that he fills up my gas tank without telling me. And when he kisses me goodnight, or when we're sitting on the couch. I'm thankful that even when my cooking endeavors don't always work out, he still eats it. I'm thankful that he fixes my computer when it breaks and helps me make posters and presentations because I'm completely useless with technology. I'm thankful he downloads silly movies and music I want and got Netflix so he can introduce me to shows like "Worst Week" because he knows me so well.

And about fifty thousand more reasons but I'm sure you guys are beyond nauseous now.

Pretty much it was a fabulous weekend. And now that it's December I am so excited for Christmas. Get this? The bf and I are road tripping it. We're taking my dad's suburban and hitting up Wisconsin for Christmas weekend and then heading west to Nebraska for New Years. And then back to the Midwest to start my last semester of graduate school!

I really want to get this blog back on track and I'm going to try to post more often and comment more on your blogs!

Hope all your weekends were spectacular!


  1. Yay! Your back! I almost gave up!

    That road trip sounds uber fun...who's in nebraska?

  2. I love what you wrote about how great your boyfriend is! It's the little things that make a boyfriend the right boyfriend! And, happy that you are back blogging! xoxo
