Thursday, September 10, 2009

victory is mine

since i am not one to ever not brag when i'm right, i am going to share with you a little story that happened the other night....

this past weekend the bf and i went camping with some friends. and as we were sitting around the campfire eating hotdogs i turned to the bf and asked him if he remembered when he first kissed me. (i'm not sure when i felt the need to ask him this as we were clearly not talking about it at all, but go with it) to my utter surprise he respond with new years, which happens to be correct. so i decided to test him further.

"ok smarty pants! when was our first date?!"

to which he replied september 9th.


if any of you know me in real life or remember from my previous blog then you clearly remember that the ex and i didn't break up until the end of october of last year.

so i begin to explain this to the bf that no, i had know idea who you were in september and that the first time you had talked to me was on facebook chat (ahahahaha) the first weekend in november.

you see, my brother and i decided to go see madagascar 2 the afternoon it came out. i had to school that day so naturally i wasn't showered or anything and just wore yoga pants and a hoodie to the theater. i mean, really? who was i going to see?

so i had to go to the bathroom during the middle of the movie and quickly left the theater. as i rounded the corner i (literally) run into my boss, the bf (who wasn't the bf at the time) and his boss with a look of complete horror on their faces. i remember thinking that they seemed really weird when i had seen them but shook it off to the fact that i closely resembled a homeless person and went back to my movie.

that night i went to a friday night program at my school with a friend and met my boss there. she proceeded to ask me if i had ever considered dating the bf. i responded that i didn't know him but i was open to the possibility of getting to know him. (i had just broken up with the ex a mere two weeks prior mind you) (mind you? am i in england again or something?)


she then explains to me that the reason they were acting so weird at the theater was because they had just been talking about me, telling the bf that he should get to know me and blah blah. so they were a little surprised that i had just come around the corner as they were talking about that.

so i go home that night and it's around midnight. for whatever reason i had decided to get on facebook and lurk. and about 2 seconds after i logged in i get a chat message from the bf. i was kind of embarrassed because i wasn't sure if my boss has mentioned anything to him about what we had talked about that night. we ended up talking for a while that night.

the next week we went to a movie with some mutual friends. the movie was HORRIBLE and we ended up walking out and going to get some food. and the next few days after that we ended up going to see the latest bond movie at midnight with some friends again. and then the friday after the movie we went to get some coffee because we were so tired from the previous night.

which would have our first date alone.

so back to this argument. the bf swears that our first date was in september and that he has his credit card bills to prove when we went to eat and when we went and saw that first movie.

in the meantime i'm trying my best to convince him that the first time he talked to me online was the first weekend in november because this particular evening program only happens during the first friday of the month.

so he goes, "AH HA! i have the statement. it says september 13th! and that is the only time i've been to that theater, BOO YA!"

so i take a look.

it says 11/13/08.


  1. LOL does he not know how to read a date? September is the 9th month.... so it's not even close.

  2. hehehe. wow, i bet he felt really pretty after that :)

  3. Lol. Fun story! Maybe you should have two anniversary celebrations? Hehe :).

  4. love that. :) (i also love being right. BEST EVER.)
