Monday, September 7, 2009

cooking up a storm

I know I've mentioned my cooking abilities before and I've been meaning to post about all the goodies I've been making these past few weeks. But....I haven't. Mostly because I forgot to take pictures while I was preparing my meals.

This past week I went camping with a group of friends and was deemed in charge of making kebobs. I've never made kabobs in my existence so I was a little nervous. And, I really have no idea how to cook beef. So, I consulted my bible and decided on these little gems. (Side note: I also made chicken ones but just marinaded the chicken cubes in Greek Salad dressing over night). And I'm happy to report that they got eaten up in about 2 seconds! Next time I make them I would cut back on the salt though because they were a bit salty. And I didn't use the vegetables he called for, I kind of just used whatever I had around, I think it was red onions, peppers, zucchini and mushrooms. And I just dusted with with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper.

Then last week I decided to make these lasagna rolls. The bf loves watching Giada at Home or Everyday Italian (I wonder why, right?) and I've had these little guys in the back of my mind ever since I watched her make them. I brought them over to the bf's brother's house for lunch one weekend and everyone seemed to like them. I'm always super nervous when I make things for people that I've never tasted, because duh, I haven't tasted it. But I've lucked out thus far. For this one I didn't lay them flat in the pan like they called for, instead I placed them upright so you could see the filling and I poured the tomato sauce over them. Oh yeah, I didn't have any marinara sauce because my parents used the can I was saving on spaghetti earlier in the week and never realized it. So I just pulled a can of diced tomatoes with garlic and herbs in their own juices. It turned out fine, you wouldn't have noticed and the garlic added extra flavor.

And then lastly, last week, the bf requested my mother's barbecue meatballs. He first tried these at my brother's high school graduation party in June and has been bugging me to make them for him since then. I don't have the recipe on hand, but if you want it you can just email me.

What's on the menu for this week? Well, we were watching GBB and the bf mentioned that he wanted to make beer battered fish. So, my search for a recipe with beer battered fish starts tomorrow. And this time, I promise to take pictures of the process. And feel free to make any suggestions!

P.S. Come back tomorrow for a big announcement! (hehehehehehehehehe)