Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 4: Best Book

I just barely remembered that I hadn't posted my entry for today's Best of 2009 Challenge.

"What book - fiction or non - touched you? Where were you when you read it? Have you bought and given away multiple copies?"

I'll keep it short, because just like yesterday's, I don't really have much to say on this topic. I enjoy reading, I really do. But between reading for school, studying, working, internship and everything else I do I just don't really remember to sit and read a book. It's bad really, because I have a stack of about 8 books that I've been meaning to read since March.

So I'm sitting in my bed and I'm trying to actually remember what books I've read this year for fun and all I can come up with is the Twilight Saga and The Pursuit of Happyness. How sad is that? Actually, I remember my brother buying my Breaking Dawn at this exact same time last year.

Anyways, I've decided that it's pretty shameful that I haven't read any decent pieces of work this year and I'm hellbent on changing that this next year. In order to make that happen I'm proposing for one of my New Year's Resolutions that at the beginning of each month I set a goal to read a certain amount of books and then at the end of that month I'll do a book review of sorts.

Good idea, no?

Have a good weekend!

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