Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And introduction of sorts

You'd think that after having three previous blogs I'd be a pro at this first post. Or at least know how to start this stuff out. But turns out? Not a fan. It's the first impression readers get. What if you aren't witty or entertaining enough? What if you bore readers away? And for someone who already has slight (or intense, WHATEVE) social anxiety as it is, it could be just a little overwhelming.

But it's got to happen. So I guess I'll start from the beginning, huh?

I started out my first blog way back when. Like so far back I used livejournal. (Yeah, I know.) I had just started this whole blog thing out so I wasn't following anyone yet. But as I started to find other blogs that I found entertaining and interesting I started to realist that all the cool kids were using bloggers. So I made the transition.

Then I made my first blogger blog. I don't even remember what my address was called anymore. (It's kind of frustrating now that I think about it because I wrote A LOT back then and it would be nice to have those memories documented, sigh.) Long story short, some drama happened while I was gallivanting across Europe 2007-2008. You see, I was a teaching 4 and 5 year olds that year while I took a year off college. My cousin had gotten married the same month I left and I had some pictures of us at her bachelorette party. Turns out this girl that I thought was my friend (boy was I wrong...) turned in the pictures to my boss because I was "danger to children" and "far to sexual". I was fired after less than a week of working. Did I mention that I had moved to London from the Midwest? Yeah, talk about a major panic attack.... Anyways, apparently it was what they called a "misunderstanding" or some nonsense. Whatever, I didn't get fired, I had the time of my life, and whoever really did send those pictures can die a long, painful death...

Moving on.

Needless to say, I was forced to delete that one. But started a new one. Because I'm not exactly the kind of person to not do something I'm told not to do. So, I made another blogger blog. My third blog. Some of you may or may not remember me. I made a few friends, and it was nice. But then I made a few changes in my life and took a few new corners and I just kind of wanted to start over in the blogging world because I kind of felt like I was starting over in my real life (And a lot of people whom I didn't necessarily know were reading it were actually reading it and some people whom I didn't want to read it were reading it.). Also, I felt myself censoring the information I wanted to share. And what's the point of even having a blog if you aren't going to fully be yourself? Am I right?

Which brings me here, "The New Adventures of the Same Amanda". Because these are the new adventures of the same me! Clever, no? I think so. Anyways, I'll be sharing my musings of things that happen between the bf and me, my attempts at becoming the next Foodnetwork star, and getting myself through graduate school without completely losing my mind. And everything inbetween.

Hopefully you've stuck around and finished reading. Hopefully you'll continue sticking around. But you can't say I didn't warn you, I'm not good with the introductions. But trust me, I've got good things cooked up. Like my demon posessed razor, my love for Bobby Flay, and the time I ran into the garage with my car (no judgement).


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